

1.MERDIndia publishes Books and Posters to create awareness among public, professionals and Government agencies about Inborn Errors of Metabolism & Rare Genetic Disorders

MERDindia have attended & Organized some Professional meetings &Activates 

Year 2025

9th February 2025

Continue efforts for healthy children healthy nation, participated  in CME on caring both end of cord organized by RHL BABYLON, NARCHI,IAP JAIPUR &NNF RAJASTHAN at Rajasthan hospital jaipur. 

22nd January 2025 at jaipur 

 we did activity at Mahila Chikitsalaya Sanganeri Gate  jaipur with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar and uthhan trust and distributed 60 new woolens clothes to newborns, special thanks to Dr sunil gothwal, Dr Vishnu Agarwal, MS madam ji and Hospital team for wonderful support 

18th January 2025 at maysur 

Participated in   GAPIO  seminar organized by Global Association of Physicians in Indian Origin and get Award received   for best Commendation Award at Hotel Radisson blue Plaza. 

Met with Dr Deepa Bhatt from JSS Medical College and discussed rare diseases prospective in India. 


4th January 2025 at jaipur 

Participated as a panelist on Newborn Screening discussion on Samvad, organized by ISPAT and AGOS jaipur, 

Newbon screening discussion moderate by Dr Saurabh Dani ,other panelist were Dr Ram babu Agarwal, Dr Vishnu Agarwal, Dr Priyanshu Mathur Dr Indira Lamba (Obs)and venue was hotel park prime. 

3rd January 2025 at bikaner 

 we did activity at PMB HOSPITAL, at bikaner, 100 new woolens clothes distributions at nursery, 

Excellent discussion with department of children, department of gynecologist for healthy children healthy nation 🙏, 
Thank you Dr Shyam agarwal, Dr kuldeep bitoo, Dr beniwal, Dr sarika Swami, and all PBM doctors and other medical professionals for giving great support 



20th December 

Participated in webinar focused on Head and neck Cancer Navigating Treatment Options: Locating the Right Path to Recovery organized by  Patient Academy for Innovation and Research (PAIR Academy)  and key speaker was Dr Priya  Tiwari .

4th December

Jaipur-on the way forward to healthy children healthy nation merdindia foundation along with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar distributed 86 new woollens to newborns at gangori hospital jaipur. 


30th November 

Participated and support to ICBD 2024 at Mg hospital jaipur organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Centre and give speech on Rare Diseases Advocacy and role of parents Advocacy Group. 

21st November 

Inborn errors of metabolism day 

Organized with Apollo hospital, inborn Errors of metabolism day at bubnashwer Hotel crown,

It was great successful seminar and around 32 medical professionals well attented the event, 
Excellent support by Dr Alok Shrivastava, Dr Debashish, Dr j p Pani, Dr Rk Joshi, Dr Megmala Sadukhan.

17th November 

Continue efforts of Advocacy of newborn screening Participated inindo Us  rare Summit 2024 and Pariticipated Newborn screening Session in Indian Institute of science at  Delhi.

9th November 

Participated in workshop on Healthy life style with smile with rare diseases patients at IHBAS Delhi, organized by Indian Rett Syndrome Foundation, IHBAS Delhi, ORDI, wonderful work by samir Sethi, Dr Sudha Bhattacharya, IHBAS Director Professor Rajendra Kumar and IHBAS doctors and few patients support groups, Excellent activity done. 

October 2024

27th October 

Participated in panel discussion as a panelist on Newborn Screening awareness organized by Amritsar Academy of Pediatrics and Indian Society of prenatal diagnosis and therapy, at government medical college Amritsar. 

 Presents CME on Perinatology  call सवादं 

 September is newborn screening month 

26th September 

Continue campaign for healthy children healthy nation on Newborn screening awareness month organized seminar at Murshidabad west Bengal with IAP, great support by dr Dipanjana Datta, Dr Bhola nath, DrShankar  Dey.

25th September 2024

On Newborn Screening awareness month September, campaign with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar for healthy children healthy nation and distributed Posters to bhandri hospital, metro mas hospital, Indus hospital and manglam med city hospital. 

24th Sep 2024 

Continue campaign for healthy children healthy nation ,we campaign along with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar at monilake hospital, cocoon hospital and Narayana hospital and distributed Posters to gynecologist and Obstetrician and child care doctors, Thanks to Dr Manish Mittal,Dr Himani Sharma,Dr Mitul Gupta,Dr Priyanka Gupta,Dr Suman Raja,Dr Manju Aggarwal,Dr Meena Khilnani,Dr Seema Jain ,Dr Rajesh Pathak.. Dr Manju Goyal,Dr Usha Aggarwal .


22nd September 2024

Participated as a Panelist on The Power of Collaboration : How Multi stakeholder Partnership can drive efficient rare disease management on ISIEM 2024 Jaipur, Rajasthan.

20th &21st September 2024

Participated  National conference of ISIEM 2024 organized by ISIEM AND IAP JAIPUR focused on  IEMS-USHERING IN THE THERAPEUTIC ERA

19th September 2024

Jaipur -Participated ISIEM  introductory meeting on Newborn Scenario in India and Participated as a panelist , Panel Discussion on SMA – A Rare of Hope (A Multi-stakeholder approach & way forward)  at the Hotel Clarks Amer,

18th September 2024

campaign for healthy children healthy nation On Newborn Screening awareness month, we visited manu hospital, Sevayatan hospital, CKS and Manipal hospital jaipur, Thanks to  Dr Shabnam,Dr Vandana garg,Dr Jyotika Singh, Dr Mohit Sharma and Dr Manisha Gupta for kind support. 

17th September 2024

We visited SDMH, rungta and Hope hospital jaipur and distributed Posters and discussed about Healthy Children Healthy Nation to 14 doctors and happy to meet Dr S fayyaz from SDMH, thank to All respected doctors for support Dr Fayyaz Sahab,Dr Brinder Jeet Kaur,Dr Kusum Kalla,Dr Brijesh Yadav,Dr Anupam Chaturvedi,Dr Mini Bhargava,Dr Gunjan Agarwal,Dr Ashwini Gupta,Dr Prashant Mitharwal,Dr Kandla Sharma,Dr Anubhuti Bhardwaj and Dr Romit Jain.



16th September 2024

Continue campaign for healthy children healthy nation distributed poster on Newborn Screening, brest feeding and Kangaroo care at Forties, EHCC and Rajasthan hospital along with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar, Thank you to Dr Poonam Upadhyay, Dr richa Vaishnav, Dr Savita Bansal, Dr sunila Khandelwal, Dr shaloo khakar, Dr Sharad Sharma, Dr Shyam sunder Sharma, Dr Veena Acharya, dr Shilpee Gupta, Dr Priyanka Gupta, Dr deep Khandelwal. 

14th September 2024

On Newborn Screening awareness month we courier 482 Posters on Healthy Children Healthy Nation to jaipur gynecologist and Obstetrician Clinics with logo of Benifit of brest feeding, importance of Kangaroo care and Universal newborn screening. 

10th September 2024

Distributed 20000  pamphlets on  Healthy Children Healthy Nation at jaipur newspapers eg Rajasthan patrika, Danik Bhaskar, Times of India to promote Newborn Screening, Breastfeeding,Kangaroo care, it was very unique activity with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar. 

4th September 2024

we merdindia foundation along with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar  distributed  poster on Healthy Children Healthy Nation at Surya Hospital Jaipur to not only gynecologist and Obstetrician but also child care doctors, 
Thanks to Dr Anju tali, Dr Deepak Shivpuri, Dr Alok Tyagi, Dr Vibha Chaturvedi, Dr natwar Parwal, Dr Rakesh Sharma.

25th August 

Participated in  health awareness program focused on cardiac  and endocrinology ,organized by lions clubs Jaipur Centre spine and  jaipur friend ,key speakers were from Narayana Hrudayalaya Dr Ankit Mathur and Abhinav Gupta. 

24th july

Participated  and moderate awareness seminar at Manipal hospital jaipur and topic was child hood cancer and adult cancer,organized by lion club Centre spine and few other Organization, key speakers were Dr Rohit Shukla and Dr Rohit jain. 


2nd July 

Participated in webinar focused on Framework for Ayurgenomics in Rare Diseases, organized by IndoUSrare and key speaker was Dr. Manoj Nesari from the Ministry of Ayush, India.  Dr mitali Mukherjee from IIT Jodhpur AcSIR, and Dr Seema Kapoor of  Maulana Azad Medical College,and Dr. Reena Kartha from IndoUSrare leads the discussion. more then 70 people well attended the webinar 

23rd June 

Bharuch- organized seminar on Healthy Children Healthy Nation and newborn screening at Rotri club Bharuch support by Rotarian Club and IMA Bharuch around 50 peoples well attended the seminar.

1st June 

Amritsar- Participated as a speaker on fogsi conference and give views on Newborn Screening/need to Hour, organized by fogsi with Annual update at Hotel Radisson blue, over 100 gynecologist and Obstetrician were well and the conference.

Organized walk for Awareness for rare diseases and Newborn screening in Radisson blue hotel with unique Tree 🌳 पौधारोपण,

Excellent support by conference organized chairperson Dr narendra Malhotra l


26th may 

Ahmedabad-Participated in  CME focused on Genetics testing, Newborn screening and HPV Vaccination, organized by Indian Society of prenatal diagnosis and therapy and Ahmedabad gynecologist and Obstetrician society, key speakers were Dr Uday Pai, Dr Saurabh Dani, dr Alpesh Patel, dr Phagun Shah,at Dreams icon panchvati Ahmedabad. 

19th may 

Agra-organized Healthy Children Healthy Nation seminar along with IEM support Charitable Trust host by Ujala Cygnus Rainbow Hospital Agra and support by  IMA, meta, Smriti, AGOS, around 50 people  well attended the seminar. 

15th May 

Participated in webinar on Focused on mps diseases Awareness with panel discussion moderate by Dr sanjeeva, panelist were Dr Kaushik Mandal, Dr girish Katta, Dr Rajat Chopra, Dr Aditya Gupta, Dr Suman Gupta And Mr Manjeet Singh, opening remarks by Dr Ratna puri and closing remarks by Dr Sunita Bijarnia, over 90 people well attended the webinar. The key comments by  patient Mr Sumair. 

13th May

Participated in webinar on  NIPS (Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening): The Use and the Misuse
key speakers were  Dr. Prof. Narendra Malhotra and Dr. Veronica Arora.

8th may

Thalassemia Day 

Jaipur-Participated in Thalessemia day program organized by south East Asia institute of thalassemia and Mg hospital jaipur at  Auditorium Mg hospital jaipur.  


25th &26 April 

Bengaluru-Participated in DNA Day celebration, Rare Star Awards ceremony, and the Patient Advocacy Group Meeting Organized by Organization For Rare Disease India ,in Rare Star Awards ceremony around 200 people well attended the program and in Advocacy meet around 21 parents Advocacy Group Participated l

2nd April 

 Jaipur- Participated in awareness program on autism awareness day Organized by लिनेज स्वयंसिद्धा, Seth Nanu ram Nanki Devi Health and Education society and support foundation for Autism and development Disabilities. 

30th March 

Coimbatore - Participated in seminar as a speaker on Challenges and Bottlenecks in Genetic Counseling
Education/Training in India at Hotel gokulam park , over 100 Genetics Counselors well attended the
seminar, Organized by Board of Genetic Counseling India.

3rd march

Jaipur-organized unique symbolic Rare Disease Awareness Posters gallery at Kalaneri Art Gallery Jawahar
Lal Nehru Marg,display 100 rare diseases Posters, over 115 people well visited the Awareness gallery,
wonderful support by Organization For rare disease and other many parents Advocacy Group from India .

28th February 

Jaipur - Observed rare diseases day at Nirmal Vivek Special children school with magic show, over 100 Spacial children includes school Management was enjoyed the show ,8 members and 3 children also Participated. 

25th February 

Kozhikode- Participated race for rare diseases Awareness at kozhikode beach freedom square, organized by Organization For Rare Disease India, over 100 people well attended the run 🏃‍♂️. 

11th February 

Bikaner-organized seminar on Healthy Children Healthy Nation along with lions clubs bikaner and Jaipur Adarsh Nagar, IAP bikaner at lion Hall, key speakers were Dr Shyam agarwal ,Dr Priyanshu Mathur, Dr Vijay Laxmi Vyas, more than 75 people well attended the seminar. 

24th January 

Participated in ISHG-2024 and attented Newborn Screening Session and rare disease policy in India Session at J B Auditorium at Ahmedabad Management Association. 

17th January 

Participated in webinar  organized by Akums Pharma regarding the rare disease Drugs to be taken forward, few other support groups also Participated 

9th January 

Panjim Goa- Participated Purple fest at goa panjim and topic 

Invisible to visible  Disabilities, organized by  Anubha ji and team from cronic pain India and key guest was health minister of Goa shri Subhash Pai Desai ,more than 80 people well attended the program.


Year 2023

19th December 

Jaipur -We distributed 60 New woolens clothes at jklon hospital jaipur, great support by  MS Dr Kailash meena and HOD Dr kusum devpura and team.


1st December 2023

Ratnagiri Maharashtra 

Organized seminar along with IMA ratnagiri on newborn screening awareness and well attented by ober 40 doctors ,

key speaker was Dr Heme purendra. 

2nd December 2023

Sindhudurg Maharashtra 

Organized seminar on Newborn Screening awareness along with IMA and fogsi and well attented by over 50 doctors, seminar wkey speaker was Dr Hemea Purendra. 


23rd November 

Participated As a stakeholder and Speakers on Rare Genetic Disease Research Summit-2023 (REDRESS- 2023) organized by ORDI, TGI and ICMR at inStem Building, NCBS Campus, GKVK post, Bellary Road, Bengaluru

19th November 2023

Inborn errors of metabolism day (21st November)

 Merdindia foundation along with department of Pediatrics devision in Medical Genetics  jipmer pondicherry support by IEM support Charitable Trust Organized IEM day at jipmer pondicherry mini Auditorium, 
More than 80 people well attended the program We focused to sensitization of Medical students ,
It was great successful seminar and all cradit goes to Dr reena Gulati and her team, 
Key speaker were Dr kuldeep singh from Jodhpur along with Dr Adhishivam ,great blessings by Dr Vikram kate, and Dr Thapa, 
It was best IEM day observed since 2011 
Thank you jipmer pondicherry for support 

 6th October 

Jaipur-Organized activity along with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar on service week 
Distributed 15 Nutrition kit and drawing combo kit to suffering child hood cancer children and unique magic 🎩 show ,
Excellent support by Dr lalit Mohan Sharma and Team. 

September marks on Newborn screening awareness month 

29th September 

Bhopal- organized Newborn Screening awareness seminar along with AIIMS bhopal  support by IEM support Charitable Trusts,loin clubs bhopal  district 3233 G-2 ,Jeevan deepti society, over 100 people  well attended the seminar, venue was Auditorium AIIMS bhopal, key speakers were AIIMS Director bhopal, Dr Shikha malik, Dr Bhavna Dhingra, lion jp Johar, Shri Anil khare, Ms sarika modi, merdindia foundation parents ketan Pradhanand Gajanan udder. 

19th September 

Continue campaign for healthy children healthy nation On Newborn Screening awareness month September,we done round Table Discussions with c k Birla Hospital jaipur, meeting organized by our member Ashutosh ji Basotia, and useful Discussions by all respected doctors about  importance of newborn screening.

16th September 

Organized awareness programme along with IEM support Charitable Trusts at Yashoda hospital and Research Centre Ghaziabad, it was great seminar and well attented by 60 people, key speakers were, Dr Seema Kapoor, Dr Surender Singh Bisht, Dr Ranjana Mishra, Dr Alpana, Dr Aprana Tyagi, Dr Ashish parkash, and unique play by Mr Sagar Kharbanda and Team, seminar moderate by ms sarika modi. 

8th September 

we disturubeted awareness Posters at j k loan hospital, mg hospital and Narayana hospital, thank you to Dr kusum devpura and team , Dr sudir Sachdeva, Dr Saurabh Singh, Dr Munish kakar, Dr lalit Mohan Sharma, Dr rajesh Pathak and Team 
In this awareness week we covered 28 child care centers includes more than 50 doctors 
Hopefully we are in right way to create awareness among doctors, Policy makers and Parents 

7th September 

in series of campaign for newborn screening and child hood cancer month along with lion club Jaipur Adarsh nagar  we distributed 14 nutrition kit for cancer suffering children in BMCRC and distributed poster in manipal hospital .  thanks to 
jairam ji ,deepti ji and team , Dr aruna jain and dr Rahul for support . 

6th September 

Continues campaign for newborn screening month we visited Mahila Chikitsalaya Sanganeri Gate and Dr Atul child care hospital jaipur and distributed awareness Posters, Great support by Dr Ramesh Choudary, Dr sunil gothwal and Dr varnit Shankar. 

5th September 

Continues campaign for newborn screening awareness program and visited child Care Clinic, mg children hospital, jklon hospital, gangori hospital, janana hospital all in Jaipur, great learning experience. 


4th September 

Continue of our observing Newborn Screening awareness month, we visited, Hope,cocoon,and cradle hospital ,

Excellent support and guidance by Dr joyti patodia, Dr jagveer Singh and Dr manish Mittal 


 Distributed awareness Posters for NewbornScreening awareness and Child hood Cancer awareness at KMS hospital, Uniyara hospital, Forties hospital, EHCC hospital, neo Clinic children hospital all at jaipur, wonderful support by Dr kuldeep Mohan, Dr Sanjay kulshraht,Dr satyen, Dr Sanjay Choudary, Dr Vivek Gupta, Dr SD SHARMA, Dr jai krishn Mittal. 

1st September 

Jaipur-distributed awareness Posters at Baby  lon hospital, neoton CDC, Surya Hospital, SDMH, wonderful support by 

Dr DhananjayMangalSwati Ghate, Dr sitaraman, Dr Deepak Shivpuri, Dr natwar, Dr Rajiv Bansal. 

15th August 2023

Participated 🇮🇳 day at Kolkata with special children, organized by IPSW, lion club Kolkata and support by many other Organization,  unique program organized  by IPSW, lion club Kolkata south and other Organizations, more than 200 people along with many children well attended the program, Dr Madhulika Kabra and Dr Dipanjana Datta was also present. 

6th August-2023

Organized awareness program along with lions club jaipur Adarsh Healthy Eyes focused on eyes problem, more than 70 people well attended the program, Dr Anil Matai was the key Speaker.
22ND July 

Bhopal- Pariticipated  in international conference and wor shop organized by VNS group of institutions and south Asian College SAC-ACCP at bhopal Radisson 


5th July 2023

Participated in webinar

Topic: Dr SS Agarwal Memorial Lecture

Genome test invitation /A Miracle,   
Chief guest was Professor R.k. Dhiman and guest speaker was Dr Madhulika Kabra, organized by department of Medical Genetics SGPGI Dr Subha Phadke and Team. 

13th June 2023

New Delhi-Participated in workshop 9n National Policy For Rare Diseases At India international Centre, key person were 

Dr swasticharan from government of India, Dr Pramod Kumar, Dr Neerja Gupta from AIIMS, Dr Mamata Muranjan from kem, Dr Sudha Bhattacharya and many PAG were there, workshop organized by Dakshama and Amravati Health Organization. 


29th April 2023 

Varanasi- Participated as a panelist on Neonatal Screening for prevention of childhood disabilities , on Ferto Genetics 2023, Varanasi at Hotel Clarks, panel discussion moderate by Dr Saurabh Dani and other panelist were Dr Uday Pai and Dr Niharika. 

1st April 2023

Organized webinar along with IEM support Charitable Trust  focused on hurdles of parents on Treatment and registration of Centre of Exelcellene, key speakers were Dr Annuja Agarwala,Dr Sheetal Mahamunkar, Dr Vaishali Madkaikar, special views also from Dr Aditya Gupta, more than 30 people well attended the webinar, webinar moderate by sarika modi .

27 March 2023

Jaipur-organized and distributed sensory items to specially needy children at umang school jaipur, 
Our few members was also there, umang school is doing wonderful, it was very well organized activity done by us 
Special thanks to our child veer to come 

26th March 2023

Pune- Participated and support series of awareness program race for rare diseases Awareness organized by Organization For Rare Disease India more than 60 people well attended the program along with merd india foundation members at ANP UNIVERSE PUNE. 

19th March 

Lucknow-Participated race for rare diseases Awareness at janeswar  Mishra park organized by ORDI, Director SGPGI sir, Dr Shubha Phadke Chief Guests, key strength of event Mr Swami, SMA Group, Thalassemia Group, And Hemophilia Group and many brave family members. More than 100 people well attended the event. 

12th March 

New Delhi-Participated and support Race for rare diseases Awareness at AIIMS Delhi more than 200 people well attended the program key Strength of event were AIIMS Director Professor M Srinivas, Dr Madhulika Kabra, Dr Ratna Puri, Dr Neerja Gupta. Mr Prasanna, Sarika Modi and many Respected doctors and patients support groups members. 

5th March 

Kolkatta- Participated race for rare diseases Awareness organized by ORDI,  more then 800 people along with parent, patient 

Participated in event ,key strength of event Dr Dipanjana Datta and Shikha ji Metharamani.

Ist March 

Participated in  AOCN - Rare Disease Webinar focused on diagnosis and treatment .more than 50 doctors and Parents Advocacy Group was well attented along with Dr I C verma. 

28th February 

New Delhi-Participated in rare disease day celebration organized by Dte.GHS,MoHFW in  collaboration with CHEB, AIIMS, MMAMC New Delhi 

26th February 


Organized Rare Disease Day awareness seminar along with IEM support Charitable Trust,Reborn, IAP Asansol at Odyssey Club

Key Speakers Were Dr Anil Jalan, Deppanjna Datta, more than 50 people well attended the seminar.  

Participated Race for rare diseases Awareness organized by ORDI, Reborn at Odyssey Club Grounds.

19th February 

Kochi-Participated in ORDI race for 7, awareness run for rare diseases Awareness in India, few hundred people well attended the run along with children and few patients. 

10th January 
Participated in webinar organized by IAP PUNE focused ON PERINATAL GENETICS AND Newborn Screening. 

Year -2022

 18th December 

Jaipur-organized health awareness seminarHCG hospital  along with lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar, Jain Social Group Rajdahni and women cancer society focused on cancer prevention, symptoms and treatment and our signature campaign Newborn Screening awareness, key speakers were Dr jitendra,Dr sumita Jain, Dr S.k Jain, around 50 people well attended the program. 


25th November 

Bangalore- Participated as a panelist and give views to child care doctors, Policy makers, researchers about importance of newborn screening, awareness of rare diseases in Indian perspective organized by ORDI and TIGS. 

22nd November 

Jaipur-Distributed 36 new woolens clothes to newborn babies and discussed about Newborn Screening awareness, Inborn errors of metabolism disease with child care doctors at gangori hospital jaipur, Excellent support by Dr Ramesh Choudary and Team. 

21st November

Jaipur -observed IEM Day at Mahila Chikitsalaya and provide 60 new woollens to new-borns and discuss about inborn errors of metabolism disease in child care doctors ,great support by hospital management and Dr Sunil Gothwal and Dr rinku saini .

20th November

Mysore- organized inborn Errors of metabolism day by seminar support by JSS,IAP, ORDI , IEM support trust

more then 80 people along with 9 parents 4 children well Attend the seminar, Dr Seema Kapoor , Dr rohit Cariappa, Dr Archana Bilagi, Dr pardeep, Dr deepa Bhat were key speakers. 

30th October 

Manipal-Participated as a speaker on National IEM Metabolic Meet , based on the theme Mitochondrial Cytopathies, A minuscule initiative The Centre for Excellence in Inborn errors of metabolism ,organized by department of Pediatrics, medical Genetics and biochemistry Kasturba Medical Collage. 

2nd October 

Jabalpur -Organized  seminar on child health awareness along with lions clubs jablpur at Hotel kalcuri, Chief Guest was jablpur collector  Dr. Ilaiyaraaja T., more than 150 people well attended the program.  

29th Septembe

Organized webinar along with IEM SUPPORT CHARITABLE TRUST 

 on Newborn screening awareness and our slogan was Newborn Screening growing stronger. Many doctors gave their views about screening and concluded that as a program Newborn Screening implementation  in every childcare centre for treatable diseases like CH, G6PD, HEARING, AND CRITICAL CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE is a necessity.
The webinar was dedicated to newborn screening month that is marked in September all over World.
 Key Speakers were Doctors Ratna Puri, Saurabh Dani, Madhulika Kabra, Seema Kapoor,  Shubha Phadke,  Rohit Cariappa,  Chaitanya Datar, Dipanjana Datta,  Deepa Bhat and Ankur.
Even though there was bad network and few technical problems ,around 50 people attended the webinar very well.
27th September 

Jaipur-organized awareness meet  with press conference along with parents and observed Newborn screening awareness month 

22 September 

Participated in webinar focused on 

Round Table Panel Discussion on Importance of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (Newborn Screening) - The Indian Context organized by Synergy Medical Systems key panelist were Dr Usha deve, Dr Priyanshu Mathur, Dr Leslie Edward S Lewis,Dr Suprava Patel and Marine Bellefroid.

21 September

Jaipur-Organized music program and food and new clothes distribution activity along with lion calub jaipur and Mg hospital child hood cancer department,at Kavita cancer care home  around 100 people, parents, lions and children well attented the program 

4th September 

New Delhi-Participated parents Advocacy meet organized by IEM CHARITABLE TRUST, 10 PAG Along with 15 people well attended the program and 20 people participated online. 

27th August 

Jaipur-organized seminar on health awareness in Girls along with lion club jaipur Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur Dimond and Hope NGO at senior secondary girls school malviya nagar. Dr Neha Agarwal and Dr Nitika Gupta  was key speakers. 

Jaipur - on 14th August,

organized get together with foundation parents occasion of आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव at lords plaza Jaipur, 10 parents along with 3 children well attended the  program 


1st July 2022

Mysore- Participated   7th Annual hybrid conference (International),  at JSS Medical College, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore Karnataka.
31st July 2022
Jaipur- organized seminar on health care along with Forties hospital and lions clubs at Forties hospital, Dr pankaj Anand, Dr Ashwin Sharma, Dr Sanjay Choudary were key speakers. 

1st June 2022

Jaipur-Organized program and Give new clothes to 78 newborn babies at zanana hospital jaipur ,this service activitie  combined efforts of merdindia foundation and lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar. 

8th may 2022

Participated in The thalassemia day  at Mg hospital jaipur ,organized by south East Asia institute of thalassemia and Mg hospital jaipur. 

28th April 2022

New  Delhi-Participated  in Seminar the Launch of Pulse Oximetery Screening & Roll out plan for streamlining the management of neonates and children with Congenital Heart Diseases on  at G. B. Pant Hospital Auditorium

22 March  2022

Participated in   inIndoUSrare  webinar Newborn Screening - The Indian Perspective, by Dr. A Radha Rama Devi and Dr. Arun K Singh.Pioneer of genetic diseases Dr I C verma also gave his  views .

27 February 2022

We observed rare diseases day at umeed special children school at jaipur with kind support from lion club jaipur Adarsh nagar, more than 40 people along children well attended the program, we provide many items to specially needy children, this was very best program for us. 

Year -2021


19 December 2021

Organized webinar with Lion club Jaipur  Adarsh Nagar and Lion Club Jaipur Maitrai   on Gastroenterology and Hepatology  Problems In Children and key speaker was Dr Lalit Bharadia .


18 December 2021 

 Participated in webinar on  Role of Obstetricians in New born Screening,Speaker were  Dr Prakash Gambir & Dr Saurabh Dani.

21November 2021

Inborn error of metabolism day 

organized Seminar and webinar with IEM support trust and ORD INDIA   at Kolkata  At Conclave  216, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose road the key speakers were Dr Ratna puri ,Dr Arun Mangalik ,Dr Bikramjit Das ,Dr Sanjukta Das , Dr Dipanjana Datta , 38 people along with 8 parent present in seminar and 56 people well attended the webinar. 

 15 November 2021

Participated in Advocacy  meet organized by NNF India, in collaboration with UNICEF, IAP & FOGI, is organizing Newborn Week Advocacy Day at Hotel Pride Plaza, Aerocity, New Delhi . 
 28th oct 2021
Participated in Webinar on  Vital Pillar of Rare Diseases Policy and Enhancing Standards of Care Organized  by US India Foundation and PerkinElmer India

20th oct 2021

 Participated in  India Rare Disease Summit virtual event focused  on 

  • NBS Policy and Global Perspectives
  • Opinion on National Rare Disease Policy in India 2021

30 September 

 Participated in webinar on  Focused  on Inborn Errors of Metabolism Organized by Azzurra Pharma 

26 September
participated as a Panelists with Dr. Rohit Carriapa, Dr. Neerja Gupta, Dr. Milind Shah on The way
forward (Newborn Screening: Towards a Uniform Screening
NATIONAL NEWBORN SCREENING SYMPOSIUM organized by National Neonatal Forum India (NNFI) 

25th September
participated in webinar INDO GERMAN METABOLIC MEET 2021 organized by Kasturba Medical Collage Manipal

7th September 2021

Organized Webinar on Healthy Children with lions clubs and ORDI, Keynote
Speaker were Dr Rajesh Pathak, Dr Satyendra Katewa , Dr Swati Ghate And Dr Sharad Sharma All from Jaipur.

8th September 2021

Participated and support New-born Screening Advocacy Meeting organized and supported by NNF INDIA,UNICEF, WHO,GOI, ISPAT,ISOPARD, ICT , USAID.

24th July 2021

Organized  webinar with Lion Clubs Jaipur on Healthy Children Healthy Nation and focused on Child hood cancer and new born Screening and Speakers Were  Dr Satyendra Katewa from Manipal Hospital and Dr Rajesh Pathak from Narayan Hridalaya Jaipur.   

5th july -2021 

Participated in webinar on Indian contribution to disease gene discovery  organized by SGPGI  in memory 
of Late Dr SS Agarwal .

3rd  July -2021

Participated in Webinar on 6th Annual International Conference of the Board of Genetic Counseling

17th June 2021 

Participated in Webinar on Neonatal testing for rare diseases_The power of knowing

29th May 2021

Participated  ORDI - AOCN Webinar Series - Session 6 Linking Phenotypes to Diagnosis,

22 May 2021

Participated in webinar on  Thalessemia ,organized by Indian Dietetic Association Jaipur Chapter
Speaker were Dr Rajiv Kumar Bansal & Surbhi Pareek – (Dietician and Nutritionist)

15th May 2021

Participated ORDI - AOCN Webinar Mitochondrial Diseases Session 4

8th May 2021

Participated ORDI-AOCN Webinar on Metabolic Epileptic Encephalopathies.

28th Feb -2021 

1-Participated  Global Rare Disease Conference (GRDC) 2021, an initiative by People to People Health Foundation and co-hosted by Niti Aayog

2- This year we observed Rare Disease Day 

आज दुर्लभ रोग का प्रतीक दिवस है
आओ मिल कर शपथ उठायें
इन रोगों की जागरुकता फैलाये
जनजन तक अपनी बात पहुंचाये
कई चेहरो पर मुस्कराहट बिखरायें
कश्ती रहती है हमेशा भंवर में
आओ मिल कर किनारे पहुंचाये

At Seth Anandi Lal Poddar Institute Of Deaf Dumb (सेठ आनंदी लाल पोद्दार मूक बधिर संस्थान)

Special education school in Jaipur, Rajasthan

Jawahar lal Nehru Road,Near Trimuriti circle, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004

merdindia foundation gave for 60 children ,Bed sheet, drawing box, Dal and sugar,and fruits and biscuits

21st  Feb-2021

Participated News x television show as a webinar Rare Disease Indian Scenario.

20th Feb -2021

Participated Virtual CME on LSDs in South Asia: challenges and priorities and Webinar Speaker DrAshok Vellodi Former
Consultant Paediatrician, Metabolic Unit GOSH.
22 Jan -2021
Participated North Region rare Diseases Consultation-2021(blue print in India)


Year - 2020


December 2020

20 December 2020

Organized  webinar with Lion Club Jaipur Adarsh Nagar on Healthy Children and covered 0 to 18 year 
children problems like fever , Infection , migraines , cold , cough,pneumonia. skin infections ,ear Infections, and throat infections (strep throat). and more Key Speakers Were Dr Deepak Shivpuri and Dr Sourabh Sing . 
4th Dec 2020
Speakers was Dr Manisha Goyal,Dr Pawan Gupta and Dr SK  Chikara .
 Noveber  2020
25 Nov 2020
Participated in  ORDI Webinar  On Global Garrod Day,  panel of Experts Speakers were  Dr. Sumita Danda,Dr.Sandhya P,Dr. Joe Thomas, Dr. Tamil Selvam,Dr. Isaac Jebaraj Moderator was Dr Debashish Danda

21 nov  2020

MERD India along with IEM Charitable Support Trust Organized Inborn Errors of metabolism Day by webinr, Dr Anil Jalan, Dr Anupam Sibal , Dr Rohit Cariappa, Dr Chaitanya Datar , Dr Priyanshu Mathur, Mrs. Geetanjali Kunte Dietitian was the key Speakers  , over 100 .people well attend the webinar.  
 October 2020 

15th Oct 

Participated  IndoUSrare Webinar - Rare Disease Patients Engagement with FDA In this introductory webinar, guest speaker was James Valentine, JD, MHS, Attorney at Hyman Phelps McNamara

25 October 
Participated Indian Rett syndrome foundation webinar focused om musical Therapy   
26 October 
Participated IAP webinar UNDERSTANDING THE IEM ALGORITHM  Speaker was Dr Anil Jalan 
September 2020
27 Sep 
Organized  webinar with Indian Rett Syndrome Foundation and IEM SUPPORT charitable Trust Beyond Medicine 
and Diet for Rare Diseases like IEM and RETT Syndrome need for Physiotherapy/ Occupational therapy and 
Behaviour/ Psychological needs of our children - key Speakers Were  Dr Shashi Ranjan (Loknayak Hospital)and Ms Auroba Kabir (Enso Wellness)
25 sep
 Participated  Rare Disease Clinical Research: Challenges and Solutions to conduct studies in rare disease indications organized by ORDI 
Speaker was   Dr Ali Smyth
20th Sep 
 Organized Webinar with   IEM Support Charitable Trust,on the experiences of the parents, your views and your ups and downs while taking care of your children .
18th Sep 
Participated in Webinar  Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases:What Patients and Caregivers Need to KnowSpeakers:Capt. Smitha Naidu & Ms. Swetha Pradhan
6th Sep
 Pariticipated in  IAPTCB  44th scheduled Zoom webinar onBasic Approach to IEM in Children and Newborns by Dr. Anil jalan, Senior Consultant Pediatrican, Mumbai.Moderator: Dr.Prajnya Ranganath, Associate Professor & HOD of Genetics, NIMS.
5th Sep ,
Participated in ORDI Care For Rare Webinar Battling for Genetic Counseling The Promises and the Perils Speaker: Dr. Dipanjana Datta
14th Aug
Participated in the Webinar Newborn Screening for Obstetricians: Awareness to Implementation - Part 3
24th July, Participated in the Webinar Newborn Screening for Obstetricians: Awareness to Implementation - Part 2
11th July, participated IEM MIMICING GENETIC PROBLEMS &GENETIC SCREENING where speakers were Dr Anil Jalan and Dr Tejal Rishbud from Mumbai. 
 11th July, participated webinar on Implementing Newborn Screening in Clinical Practice :Are we utilizing the full potential?Where Speakers were Dr Chaitanya Datar and Vaishali Madkaikar from Pune. 
July11th,participated ORDI care for rare Webinar on Newborn Screening in Sick Newborns ,Speaker was Dr Shamik Ghosh from Kolkatta . 
July 2nd, Participated BGC India 5th Annual Conference 2020: Genomics to Mankind – Integrating Genetic Education, Counseling and Public Health .
July 3rd,  participated ORDI Care For Rare Webinar on Newborn Screening where the chief 
Guest   was Dr. Arvind Shenoy, a renowned Paediatrician in Bengaluru associated with Cloud9 Hospital. 
July 3rd participated in the webinar- Newborn Screening for Obstetricians: Awareness to Implementation
as a panelist, other panelist was Dr Ashish Mehta , Dr Darshan Wadekar and moderate by Dr Saurabh Dani .

 Lucknow- Participated and Support Rare disease Day Organized by  the department of Medical Genetics, 

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, at Telemedicine hall, SGPGIMS on 29 Feb 2020
Bangalore- Participated and Support Rare disease Awareness Race Organized by  Organization For Rare 
Disease India (ORDI)on 22 Feb 2020 
Pune- Participated and Support Rare disease Awareness Race Organized by  Organization For Rare Disease 
India (ORDI)on 16 Feb 2020


Jaipur-Participated on workshop and awareness program on Rare disease and LSD  organized by Lysosomal Storage Disorders Support Society (LSDSS) and Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital (SDMH) Jaipur on 25 Jan 2020 AT auditorium SDMH .
New Delhi - Participated- Foundation Ceremony of MISSION NEEV(Neonatal Early Evaluation Vision ) at Auditorium , Maulana Azad Medical College On 6 January,2020 



Nagpur-Organized IEM DAY with support by Nelson Mother and Child Care Hospital , NNF , IAP, on
24th NOV 2019 at Hotel Hardeo.

Jaipur-Observed Inborn Errors of Metabolism Day with Jaipur parents on 21st November at Hotel park
New Delhi- participated seminar of Rett syndrome , Organized by Indian Rett Syndrome Foundation at

Safdarjung Hospital Ansari Nagar East, Near to AIIMS Metro Station.

Jaipur-Organized  Health awareness program under Service week of  lion club  at Eternal Hospital  on 5 October  2019

Jaipur-Organized  Newborn screening awareness program at C.k Birla Hospital on 25 September 2019

VARANASI-Participeted as a Panelist in ISAR ISPAT CONCLAVE( Newborn screening  Session) at  Hotel Taj Ganges on 21 september 2019 .

Indore-Organized Awarenness program with Choitram hospital& Research Centre , IAP Indore , IEM supoort charitable trust on 1st sep 2019 at auditorium Choitram hospital& Research Centre. 

Hyderabad-Participated NeuroPedicon-2019 conference (workshop on Management of Neurometabolic Disorders) at Hotel Park Hyatt on 26 july 2019.   

New Delhi - Participated RGAL (Rare Global Advocacy Leaders ) Meeting on 16th April 2019  @ Four point Sheraton. 

New Delhi -Participated as a  panelist on Seventh International Conference on Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases  for Session 4 Role of Patients group – Awareness and Education on day 1, April 13th 2019 at Hotel Leela Ambience, Ambience Island, National Highway, Gurugram Delhi NCR, India.

 jaipur -participated  On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day 2 april,  special children from different institutions on Albert Hall gave handsome presentations. In order to bring awareness of autism, this program was organized by the Department of Archeology and Museum, Rajasthan Government in collaboration with the D-Naj Institute.

New delhi - Participated Rare Disease Awareness RUN/WALK RACE FOUR 7   AT IGIB OKHLA on 17 march 2019

Bikaner-  MERDINDIA organized with IAP bikaner , lion club Jaipur adarsh nagar and lion clubs bikaner and IEM support  Charitable Trusts   unique symbolic   mass awareness March for rare disease  on  3rd march 2019 from Bhraman Path Sadul Ganj Rd, Shardul Colony, Bikaner,  , More than 100 people  participated  for Awareness. 
Jaipur -MERDINDIA support World Rare disease day by organized with lion calub   jaipur adarsh nagar unique symbolic  Race for 7 a mass awareness run/walk on 28 Feb 2019 at the Jawahar Circle Garden, Jaipur, Rajasthan, More than 70 people well attended and run/walk for Awareness. 

 Pune- Participated as panelists for a panel discussion on "Care for Rare" during ISIEM 2019  on 19 jan 2019


New delhi -Organized  With Division of Genetics, Department of Paediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi & IEM Support Charitable Trust, New Delhi on Saturday,15 December 2018 at All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi .

 Ahmedabad-    Organized  with FRIGE Institute of Genetics,IAP ahmedabad AND aop ahmedabad CME on Inborn Errors of Metabolism-2018 ON on 9dec 2018 sunday at AMA (Ahmedabad Management Association.

Jaipur -Organized 4th IEM day  on 21 November 2017 at golden tulip hotel with press conference.

Bangalore -Awareness programme   for  Rett Syndrome on 14th October, 2018 at NIMHANS. 

Jaipur-Organized  Awareness Program for Rare Disease in Children  in association with Surya Hospital Jaipur  and Lion Club Adarsh Nagar on 6 October 2018 at Surya Hospital Jaipur.

jaipur-Organized Newborn Screening Awareness Program in association with MAHATMA GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL and LION CLUB ADARSH NAGAR JAIPUR ON   2nd September 2018 .

Jaipur-Participated 4th Annual CME Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition at MG Hospital Jaipur on 22 July 2018


 Patna-Participated FOGSI ISPAT Conference on Genetics & Foetal Medicine to be held at Hotel Lemontree Premier, on 17th June 2018.

Jaipur-Host and organized 3rd National Patients Advocacy Group Leader Meeting (PAG Meeting) called  by  ORDI (Organization for Rare Disease India)on 29th April 2018   to discussed  National Rare disease policy 

Jaipur-MERDINDIA support World Rare disease day by organized  unique symbolic  Race for 7 a mass awareness run/walk on 25 Feb 2018 at Shivaji Park Vijay path Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, More than 100 people well attented and run/walk for Awareness. 
Bangalore -MERDINDIA support World Rare disease by Participated  Race for 7 a mass awareness run/walk on 25 Feb 2018





.Lucknow-ACBICON 2017 conference on 4th December 2017 at Scientific Convention Centre,King Georges Medical University.
 New Delhi- IEM Awareness program of north zone (Delhi- NCR, Rajasthan, UP , Punjab, Haryana) on 28 October 2017 at India Habitat Centre , Diet 4 Life is the project started by Food Safety Standards Authority of India, Government of India
Bengaluru- Newborn Screening Symposium-2017 on 29 October at hotel The Grand Magrath 
New Delhi -FSSAI event to mark World Food Day 2017National Conclave on Nutrition Security: Partnership & Convergence at FDA Bhawan, New Delhi on October 16th 2017.
Manipal-Indo- German Metabolic Meet on 24th of September, 2017, at Dr. TMA Pai Hall.
Hospital on 16 September 2017
Jaipur- 9th Ped Gastro Update,CME at Auditorium SDMH On 16th July 2017 
New Delhi-PAG meeting to discuss National Policy For Treatment of Rare Disease at The united service institution of India on 8th July 2017
New Delhi -National initiative for Rare diseases Consultation Meeting at India international Centre on 27 April 2017
New Delhi-Inaugural Ceremony of IEM a unique collaborative initiative with Medical fraternity, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Nutritionists/ Dietitians and Industry to make available special diets for children suffering from Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM).on 12th April, 2017 at India Habitat Center.
Navi Mumbai - CME on Newborn Screening adding Quality; changing Lives on 2nd April 2017 
New Delhi- Participated and support 1st Saved Babies Day in India at Auditorium Maulana Azad Medical College on 28 March 2017.
Ahmedabad -Participated The Rare Disease Day 2017 slogan Join us in making the voice of rare diseases heard on 26th February 2017at Ahmedabad Management Association Ahmedabad, organized by FRIGEs Institute of Human Genetics and Academy of Pediatrics Gujarat Branch. 
Bangalore- Participated and support Race for 7: Race for 7 is an awareness run organized by Organization For Rare Disease India (ORDI) on 26 Feb 2017.
New Delhi -Meeting on Evolving Policies For Cure Of Rare Diseases At Jawaharlal Nehru University on 23 February 2017
Chennai-IV National Conference of the Indian Society of Inborn Errors in Metabolism on 12 Feb 2017
Bangalore-54th National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (PEDICON 2017) on January 21 2017 
Surat- CME ON Genetic Applications in Clinical Practice on 8th January 2017 at Taj Gateway.
New Delhi-13th Biennial National Congress Hosted by ISPAT Delhi Chapter At Constitutional Club of India On 15 Jan 2017.
MERDindia has organized, Sponsored, Supported .......
New Delhi -Organized 3rd IEM Awareness day and 2nd Saved Babies Day Association 
with Maulana Azad Medical College Delhi and IEM Support Charitable Trust Delhi on 
21 November 2017.
Bikaner-Organized CME with IAP Bikaner on new born screening and inborn errors of 
metabolism in Indian perspective on 23rd July 2017 
Varanasi-Participated & sponsored CME ON INBORN ERROR OF METABOLISM at Conference 
Hall, New Pediatric Building, Department of Pediatrics, IMS-BHU on 26 March 2017.
Jaipur -Celebrate Rare Diseases Day at Hotel Lords Plaza on 27 Feb 2017 

Pune-Participated and support  SYMPOSIUM organized by  IAP- Pune   INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM-A CLINICAL APPROACH at Bharati Hospital Auditorium on Sunday, 27th November 2016

Jaipur - Organized 2nd IEM DAY symposium association with Neo Clinic Jaipur and Lions Club Jaipur,on 20 November 2016. 
 New Delhi.Awareness meet for  Rett Syndrome at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital  Baba Kharak Singh Marg.on 16 Oct 2016

Noida- CME on Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEMs)AND Newborn Screening on 15 September-2016 at Jaypee Hospital Sector-128, Wish Town, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

Hyderabad-Newborn Screening Symposium-2016 at Golkonda Hotel, Banjara Hills on September 11. 2016


Vadodara-Organized CME in association with The M.S.University of Baroda,with K.G children hospital Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA   on Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEMs): AND NewBorn Screening on 10 September-2016atThe M. S. University of Baroda, Pratapgunj, Vadodara, Gujarat.

Ahmadabad -CME on Metabolic Disorders at Zydus Hospital Nr. Sola Bridge, S.G. Highway,on 10 July 2016

 Jaipur-Organized CME in association with Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital,  on 29 June 2016,at Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital.

 Kota - Organized CME in association with IAP and FOGSI, kota on 22 may 2016,with the theme.METABOLIC DISORDERS IN CHILDREN - CREATING PUBLIC AWARENESS - ROLE OF DOCTORS 

Jaipur- Participated & sponsored Thalassemia Day,  orgnized by  SEAIT, Prem Niketan Hospital, Jaipur On 8th May2016  at   Auditorium Manav Seva Sangh, Ashram Marg, Jawahar Circle, Jaipur
Jaipur-  Workshop on Pediatric Gastro Interventions at MG Hospital on 24 April 2016
 Mumbai- CME on All about of Inborn Error of metabolism, organized by We Are Special - An initiative of Shubhlahari Prathisthan at Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre on 27 March 2016 

Jaipur-Celebrate Rare Diseases day on 29 Feb2016 Monday at Rajasthan Netraheen Kalyan Sangh .

Bangalore- Participated and support Race for 7: Race for 7 is an awareness run organized by Organization For Rare Disease India (ORDI) on 28 Feb 2016
Jaipur-First International Conference on Pediatric Rare Diseases and 17th National Conference of IAP Intensive Care Chapter (NCPCC 2015)  held at B M Birla Science & Technology Centre, Jaipur from 27th to 29th November, 2015.
Hyderabad-We Marked IEM DAY 21 NOV , and Organized  first IEM DAY- at Luminous One Continent Hotel Abids  on 21 November 2015.

 Bangalore-CME on Metabolic Disorders In Neonates at Cloudnine Hospital,Old Airport Road on 22 DEC 2015 

Jodhpur-2nd National Conference Of Indian Academy of Medical Genetics is jointly organize by AIIMS JODHPUR, MCH MDM Dr S N Medical College Jodhpur and IAP marwar Branch Jodhpur on 13 DEC 2015

New Delhi.  Awareness programme   for  Rett Syndrome at Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital on 25 Oct 2015

New Delhi- Consultative & Policy meet on Newborn Screening on 22nd September 2015 at India Habitat Centre,Lodhi Estate, Organized by National Neonatology Forum (NNF)

 New Delhi-Conference on Realizing the Potential of Rare Disorders in India  at Residency Resorts, United Service Institution of India, Rao Tula Ram Marg,on 8 September 2015 

Mumbai -Round table Discussion on Newborn Screening ,organised by The Perinatology Committee of Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) on 6 august 2015 

Ahmedabad-Participated, WORKSHOP ON PERINATOLOGY, at  .Ahmedabad Management,Association,Ahmedabad on 28June 2015
Jodhpur-Organized CME Rare Disorder/ wakeup call On 26 July 2015 at Hotel Shriram Exelcellency. 
Pune- Organized  Parents -doctor  ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION  Agenda was hurdles of managing our Children suffering by IEMS, on 27 June 2015.
 Bangalore- Discussion on Inborn metabolic disorders requiring therapeutic dietary products at Centre for Human Genetic Biotech Park, Electronic City Phase I on 18 May 2015

Bangalore-Participated and Support to Organization for Rare Diseases India (ORDI), National Neonatology Forum of India (NNF) and Cloud Nine hospital for CME: Rare Diseases – A Practical Approach at Gold Finch Hotel, on April 05, 2015 

Jaipur- Pediatric Gastro CME at Vivekanand Hall, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital,on 22nd March 2015

Jaipur- Organized symposium,In Association with SEAIT, Prem Niketan Hospital, Jaipur and Organization for rare diseases India on Rare Diseases Need of the Hour On 1st March 2015 Auditorium Manav Seva Sangh, Ashram Marg, Jawahar Circle. 

PUNE- PediGen2015 at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital &Research Center, on 14 February 2015

Jaipur- Organized &  Support to Clinic for Rare Diseases Department of Pediatrics S M S Medical College Jaipur for discussion on Newborn screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism at Ramada Hotel  on 15 Jan 2015


Udaipur- Organized In association with GeetanjaliMedicalUniversity,Udaipur, Released their Publication:Essentials of Inborn Metabolic and Genetic Disorders, AND CME on Newborn screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Genetic Disorders at Auditorium, Geetanjali Medical University,  on 29 NOV 2014

 New Delhi. Awareness programme for Rett Syndrome at GB Pant Hospital on 12 Oct 2014

Hyderabad -INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM (ICIEM) 2014 at hotel taj krishna on 20&21 September 2014

New Delhi-2nd Newborn Screening Symposium at Amaltas Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road on 14September 2014

Ahmedabad -CME on Practice guidelines in Neonatal and Pediatric Liver, Metabolic and GI Diseases at Ahmedabad Management Association.on 27 July 2014

JAIPUR-CME Organized by National Neonatology Forum (NNF) jaipur chapter on inborn errors of metabolism at Hilton hotel on 22 June 2014

New Delhi.Launch of organization for rare diseases (ORDIndia) At Constitutional Club of India On 18 Feb 2014

Jodhpur-Organized round Table Discussion on Newborn Screening - How to begin at Hotel Shriram Exelcellency. on 16FEB 2014

Ahmedabad-International Conference on Human Genetics(ISHG-2014) at the Ahmedabad Management Association, on 24th January, 2014


Lucknow-Participated in seminar of Frontiers in Medical Genetics and Hands on Workshop on DNA Diagnostics 2013 and also sponsored NBS panel discussion on 28th November 2013 at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences .

New Delhi-8th Asia Pacific - Regional Meeting of the International Society for Neonatal Screening, (8th ISNS) atJawaharlal Auditorium, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), on 28 Sep2013

Nashik- Sujanan Conference,Hosted by Nashik Obstetric and Gynaecological Society at The Gateway Hotel Ambad on 1Sep 2013

New Delhi- discussion on Inborn Errors of Metabolism - Making Metabolic Products Available as Life Saving Medical Foods at hotel Hans Plaza on 23rd August 2013

New Delhi-2nd Conference on Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEMCON) at Auditorium, Dr. R.M.L. Hospital & PGIMER on 7th April 2013

Jaipur -Organized round Table Discussion on Inborn Errors of Metabolism/Can WeSave Newborns at Hotel Lords Plaza  on 10 March 2013


- Newborn Screening Symposium at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital (KDAH) on 30Sep 2012

Vellore- Symposium on Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM)-Protean manifestations at CMC on 21July 2012

Jodhpur-Thalassa-Gen2012 at Dr S N Medical College on 22 April 2012

Chennai -Genetics conference at SRM University (GMDMM 2012) on 27Jan 2012


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