A recent study carried out in three centres(Mumbai, Delhi and Baroda)
on 94,610 newborns by using a uniforma showed a malformation
frequency of 2.03%, the commonest malformtions are neural tube
defects and musculo-skeletal disorders. The frequency of Down
syndrome among 94,610 was 0.87 per 1000 or 1 per 1150 Screening of 112,269 newbornns for aminoacid disorders
showed four disorders to the commonest-tyrosinemia, maple syrup
urine disease and phenylketonuria1,2. Epindemiologists and geneticists
claim that genetics has an increasing role to paly in public health
policies and programs in the future. Within this perspective, genetic
testing and screening are instrumental in avoiding the birth of children
with serious, costly or untreatable disorders 3
Note.This information complied from the website mentioned above